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E ইউনিট : 2013-2014 || রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2013


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a substitute for a home
a house with outer buildings and land around it
a shed
a cottage
waste trash
reduced, rubbish
recycle, destroy
conserve, consume
fire, flame
bag, sack
round, around
preserve, prevent
শক্র-মিত্র বন্ধুগন
human disease
Human evolution
human race, its origin and development
to concentrate
to suspect
to read carefully
to grasp the hidden meaning
Death has no follow of time
death is out of the schedule
Death has no time
Death follows no time table
You, I and he are present.
You, he and I are present
he, I and you are present
I, you and he are present.
Let a song be sung by her.
Let a song be sang by her.
Let a song be sing by her
Let a song sung by her